SS MINERVA (TPSN -> OHDD, LR/IMO) Valmistunut/completed 1889.9.13, Middlesbrough, Sir Raylton Dixon & Co. Shipyard no. 305.
3 100 dwt, 1 000 HP, 87.38 x 11.59 x 6.40 m.
1889.9.13: SYRIA, Bailey & Leetham (W.S. Bailey), Hull. 1903: T. Wilson, Sons & Co. Ltd., Hull. 1912: YRSA, Otto Banck, Hamburg. 1916: MAGNUS BROMS, G.M.Broms, Stockholm. 1918: ERIKSHOLM, AB Svenska Amerika Mexico Linjen (Broström), Göteborg. 1919: SMYRNA, Rederi A/B Sverige-Levanten (Dan Broström), Göteborg. 1923.10: PRESTONIC, A/B Northern Transport Line (J. Källman), Göteborg. 1923.10: A/B Källman & Co Ltd, Göteborg, purchased at auction. 1929.3: MINERVA, Rederi A/B Macedonia (Ivar Scheja), Stockholm.
1930.1: MINERVA, homeport Mariehamn. Arthur Andersson, Mariehamn. Flag of convenience. 1933.3.13: Rederiaktiebolaget Minerva (Arthur Andersson), Mariehamn. 1939: Ab Jakobstads Steamship Co Ltd. (Johannes Nars) Jakobstad.
1940.11.9: enroute Jakobstad - Emden loaded with pitprops attacked by three RAF torpedo aircrafts. Ship grounded and sank off Borkum in psn 53.40,1 N 6.37,1 E. All the crew were saved to Borkum by German cutter HINDENBURG.