MT SAIJA (OGVP, LR 5042285) Valmistunut/completed: 1957.3, Göteborg, AB Götaverken.
20600 dwt, 8200 hp, 169.80 x 21.69 x 9.56 m.
1957.3: BERIT, Rederi A/S Mascot, Oslo.
1969: SAIJA, homeport Helsinki. Avomeri Oy. 1972.6.17: grounded at Corsica coast in the Bonifacio strait. Towed to Palermo for repairs.
1974: NELY P., Nely Shipping Co Ltd, Monrovia 1983: LILY, Strickland Maritime Inc, Panama 1984: VARITY, same owners.
1984.12.28: demolished Seville, Desguaces del Guadalquivir