MT JOSEFINA THORDÉN (SQBJ -> OHFJ, LR/IMO) Valmistunut/completed: 1931.3, Göteborg, Eriksbergs Mekaniska Verkstad. Shipyard no. 246.
9 830 dwt, 2 x 1 400 bhp, 128.82 x 16.78 x 8.17 m.
1931.3: JOSEFINA THORDÉN, homeport Helsinki. Rederiaktiebolaget Suomi-Tanker. (G. B. Thorden, Unionink. 25) Helsinki. The first oceangoing tanker in Finland. 1935: homeport Brändö. 1941.4.28: JOSEFINA THORDÉN, left Galveston bound for Liinahamari loaded with gasoline. 1941.5.19: JOSEFINA THORDÉN, north of Faroes German aircraft bombed and shot the tanker into fire. The burning ship was abandoned. The aircraft still fired the crew in the life boats and 15 sailors were killed. 17 of the crew - many badly burned or injured - were rescued by British trawler NORTHERN CHIEF. The burned tanker was towed to Tórshavn.
1941: JOSEFINA THORDÉN, British Government. Towed to Newcastle and repaired. Management British Tankers Co, Newcastle.
1943.4.6: JOSEFINA THORDÉN, mined 4 nm of Sunk Head Bouy, Thames estuary. 15 crewmembers died.