Arthur Andersson

Arthur Andersson (Lemland Hellstrop 2.11.1880 - 16.7.1955), sea captain and the Finnish honorary title of merenkulkuneuvos/sjofartsråd.

He founded the first shipping company at 1923. At first he was managing sailing ships. The first ship with engine was from Sweden 1928 purchased 650 dwt ms ALCA, the first motorship in Åland. One of the owners of Rederibolaget Alca was Gustaf Erikson, who later purchased the ALCA.

Captain Andersson founded 1930 Rederibolaget Minerva with 3100 dwt steamship MINERVA.

Next ships for the companies named with the ships were ss BARBRO and ss EMILY.

Rederiaktiebolaget Asta was founded in Mariehamn 1934. Board members were Gustaf Erikson, Erik Nylund, Emanuel Erikson, Anders Öström. The first ships for the company were ASTA, ATLAS, ASKÖ, ASTURIAS. Later all activities were concentrated into Asta rederiet.

Asta with Gustaf Erikson and Lundqvist founded United Owners 1954.

After Arthur Andersson the next CEO was Lennart Karlsson from 1955. Rederiaktiebolaget Asta had 72 share owners 1988 when the activities were finished.


Justus Harberg: Åländsk Sjöfart med Maskindrivna Fartyg