- RAKENNETTU: 1931.2: Alankomaat, Rotterdam, NV Rotterdamsche Droogdok Mij.
- KONETEHO: 3330 ihv
- DWT: 11040
- PITUUS: 139.13 m
- LEVEYS: 17.92 m
- SYVÄYS: 8.32 m
- KOTISATAMA: Helsinki
- 1931.2: MIJDRECHT, NV Phs. van Ommeren´s Scheepvaartbedrijf, Rotterdam
- 1941.3.7: MIJDRECHT, Pohjois-Atlantin saattueessa OB-293 Islannin ja Skotlannin välisillä vesillä, oli pysähtynyt pelastamaan torpedoidun skottilaisen SS DELILIAN miehistöä pelastusveneistä, kun saksalaisen sukellusveneen U-70 torpeedo räjähti konehuoneen etupuolella. Tyhjänä kulkenut alus pysyi pinnalla. Sukellusveneen periskoopin näki komentosillalta yliperämies ja radiosähköttäjän ohjatessa ruorissa MIJDRECHT ajoi veneen yli vahingoittaen tornia. Samana aamupäivänä englantilaiset sotalaivat upottivat sukellusveneen. MIJDRECHT pääsi ajamaan omin voimin korjaustelakkaan. DELILIANin miehistö palasi alukselleen ja pystyi viemään sen Skotlantiin kunnostettavaksi. Netistä voit hakea lisätietoja, vaikkapa MIJDRECHT +submarine
- 1950:12: WIIMA, Suomen Tankkilaiva Oy — Finska Tankfartygs Ab. (Antti Wihuri, Helsinki, Kulosaari, Kulosaarentie 44.). Alus oli alkuvuodesta 1953 kylmän sodan kuumalla näyttämöllä viedessään romanialaista öljyä Shanghaihin. Useat australialaiset sanomalehdet raportoivat tarkasti lukijoilleen tilanteen kehittymistä. Ohessa lehtiuutisia skannausvirheineen:
- Friday 6 February 1953 Jet Oil for China. Washington. -Thursday The U.S. Governmènt has failed to stop a shipment of 7,000 .tons oli jet fuel, from Rumania to C 0 m m uni st China. A Finnish tanker is carrying, the fuel. U.S.' Offibl a'Is disclosed this amid* speculation thä. President Eisenhower, may eventually consider a navn" blockade of the China coast. The tanker. Wiima, is bilieved to be in the Suez Canal area after loading its cargo at a Black Sea port last week. The State department tried unsuccessfully to persuade the Finnish and Turkish Governments to stop the vessel. Finland pleaded that it could do nothing to canecl the clearance of the vessel. The Turkish Government replied it could not legally intercept the ship when it passed through the Dardanelles because an international convention guaran teed freedom of transit for all ships. The Chinese Nationalist navy may challenge the ves sel when it passes near Formosa about February 20.
- Friday 6 February 1953 FINNISH TANKER WITH FUEL OIL BOUND FOR CHINA DESPITE U.S. PROTEST. WASHINGTON, Feb. 4 (AJLP.). - A Finnish tanker loaded with 7000 tons of jet fuel from Rumania, was reported to be on its way to Communist China today despite United States' Government efforts to stop it. Informed officials disclosed this amid speculation that President Eisenhower may eventually consider a naval blockade of the China coast to shut off such strategic shipments. The tanker, Wiima, was said to be lu the Suez Canal area after loading its cargo at a Black Sea port last week. The State Department tried unsuccessfully to persuade the Finnish and Turkish Governments to stop the vessel. At its present speed the tanker will near Formosa in about two weeks. Communist tankers often unload their cargo at the Russian port of Vladivostok, where facilities are available to handle petroleum shipments. The United Nations banned the shipping of all strategic items to Communist China and North Korea on May 18, 1951, but neither Finland nor Rumania is a member of the United Nations.
- Saturday 7 February 1953 PRESSURE THROUGH U.N. United Press says that the other proposals made bv Senator Knowland are Acceptance of Chiang Kai Chcks offer to send 35,000 Nationalist troops to Korea Insistence that all members of the U N m ike "an equitable contribution" in Korea, A request that all U N members who have recognised the Chinese Communist Government withdraw recognition, and demand that Russia tease giving moral and material support to the Korean aggressor. If Russia rejected the demand the proposal would have the United States ask all U.N. members to break off diplomatic relations and apply economic sanctions to Russia. Nationalist Chinese guerillas raided the interior of Communist China after a landing on the mainland, 15 miles north of Amoy, early last month, says the Ta Tao Newsagency an organ of the Nationalist Ministry of the Interior. The agency says that well equipped raiders travelled by junks to the landing spot, where they were joined by mainland guerillas. The foray drew about two divisions of Chinese Communist troops into the area. In New York yesterday, Lieut-General Albert Wedemeyer (retired), former commander of U.S. troops in China, said that the U.N. could raid the mainland of China and blockade the Chinese coast without risking a global war. General Wedemeyer also urged eventual invasion of the mainland by the Nationalists, with American air, sea, and ground support, use of atomic weapons in Korea, if necessary, and training of Japanese and other Asian troops for use in an invasion of China and in Korea. *** TANKER Officials said in Taipeh (Formosa) today that the Nationalist Government probably would instruct its navy to intercept the Finnish tanker Wiima (7,717 lons), which is carrying a cargo of aviation jet fuel from Rumania to Communist China. The tanker was last reported in the Indian Ocean. It is expected to take at least two weeks to reach the China coast. A United Press correspondent in Washington says that Finland has promised the United States that its tankers will not carry oil and petrol to Communist China in the future. The Finnish Foreign Ministry made the pledge to the State Department in an effort to close the incident involving the Wiima, the agency says. In Helsinki yesterday, the owner of the tanker, Antti Vihuri, denied that the vessel was carrying jet fuel. He said that the cargo was exclusively oil for household use and had no strategic importance.
- Saturday 7 February 1953 U.S. moves to stop tanker New York, Friday COME WHERE in the indian Ocean the Finnish tanker Wiima, 7,000 tons, is steaming eastward with a cargo of jet engine fuel for Communist China. "If she reaches Red China," the "New York Times" said today, "she will supply this fuel to Communist planes, which will use it In their efforts to shoot down young American pilots flying over Korea n a mission of the United Nations. A late report from Taipeh, Formosa, said today that the Nationalist Chinese Government Is expected to instruct its Navy to intercept the tanker when It approaches its destination. America has already made strenuous efforts to prevent the tanker delivering Its cargo. Approaches were made to Turkey to block the ship at the Dardanelles Straits, through which the Wiima had to pass on its way from Rumajnia, where it loaded the jet fuel. Turkey replied to the U.S. that international agreements provide free transit for all ships through the Dardanelles.
- Friday 13 February 1953NO DAMAGE REPORTED The attack took place 30 miles from the coast of China, 75 miles south of Wenchow and in the northern approaches to the Straits of Formosa, separating Formosa from the mainland The Incharran's owners said that it was bound from a North China port to Hong Kong It had not reported suffering any damage In Taipeh (Formosa) the Nationalist Navy said that it had radioed all its nayal patrols to investigate the unidentified LST The A A P Reuter correspondent in Taipeh quotes reliable sources as saying that the Nationalist Navy airead is patrolling the China coast and will intercept any foreign ship going to any China mainland communist held port The Chinese Nationalist Ministry of Defence said in Taipeh last night that two Nationalist guerilla armed junks sank, a Communist gunboat and captured two others in a fight outside Wen chow Bay on Monday afternoon Hong Kong sources say that the Communists sank a Nationalist gunboat in a second sea fight near the Man shan Islands, south coast of Macao *** TANKER The Finnish tanker Wiima (7717 tons), which was bound for Shanghai, dropped anchor outside Singapore's territorial waters yesterday. Earlier reports said that the tanker's cargo was aviation jet fuel, but the owner, Antti Vihun, stated that it was oil for household use. Captain 1 Menmaa told reporters that the ship's owner had radioed to him to await further orders at Singapore. United Press quotes him as saying in a radio telephone interview that he was aware ia cargo violated a U N em hrgo on the shipment of strategic war materials to Communist China He said he was aware that J" might encounter Chinese Nationalist warships if he continued his voyage to Shanghai CANADIAN WARNING In the House of Commons in Ottawa last night, the Canadian Minister for External Affairs, Mr L Pearson advised the Western Powers that they should not yield to temptations to hit aggressors in new places and with new weapons Mr Pearson said that Canada would do all possible to limit hostilities to Korea and to take advantage of any opportunity for peaceful negotiations there.
- Friday 13 February 1953 OWNERS HOLD UP SHIP FOR CHINA SINGAPORE. Thurs.--The 7.717-ton Finnish tanker Wiima, bound for Red China with a cargo of several thousand barrels of high-octane petrol from Constanta (Rumania), dropped anchor outside Singapore's territorial waters yesterday. She is quitting temporarily her bid to run the gauntlet of Chinese Nationalist vessels reported to be blockading the China coast. Capt. I. Merimaa, master of the tanker, told reporters he received a wireless message from his owners two days ago to proceed to Singapore and wait outside territorial waters for further orders. Receipt of that wireless message would coincide roughly with first reports of a suggested American naval blockade of the China coast. The tanker was to have made a direct run to Shanghai, where, the captain said, she has a cargo of sunflower oil for carriage to England. Capt. Merimaa said the owners might ask him to turn back or discharge his present cargo in Singapore or press on to Shanghai. He said he resented a suggestion made by one of the Singapore pilots that he was awaiting Russian orders. "It is my owners' orders that I follow he added. The Wima, which has a crew of 41, is making her first voyage to the East under the Finnish flag. She was formerly the Dutch ship Mijdrecht, which during World War II rammed a German U-boat. i British authorities refused to answer any questions about the tanker. They said she would not need a port clearance when she was ready to sail because she was outside the harbour limits.
- Saturday 21 February 1953 Supply Check To Ship With Oil For China SINGAPORE, Fri.-The Government today threatened action against anyone supplying stores or provisions without a proper permit to the Finnish tanker Wiima, at present anchored out side territorial limits with a cargo of aviation spirit for Red China. The Controller of Imports and Exports (Mr. W. H. Walker) said that under the Colony's law it was a punishable offence to export foodstuffs without a permit. Me considered that two deliveries of provisions to the Wiima were exports without permit.
- Saturday 28 February 1953 U.S.A. May Buy Finnish Oil Tanker SINGAPORE, Friday.-The "Straits Times" said today that it understood that the Finnish tanker, Wiima, which is at present at Singapore loaded with 7,000 tons of Rumanian aviation fuel, maybe sold here. The newspaper added that negotiations were proceeding between Washington and Hel sinki. If the sale was successful, the Wiima's cargo "may be transhipped to another tanker and returned to the Rumanian oil port of Constanta where it came from." The Wiima entered Singapore on Monday after anchoring outside territorial waters for eleven days. -A.A.P.-Reuters.
- Tuesday 10 March 1953 TANKER MAY NOT REACH CHINA SINGAPORE,. Monday. It is unlikely the Finnish tanker Viima, nowat Singapore will be permitted to carry her cargo of Roumanian aviation fuel to China, official sources say. The sources say this action will probably be taken in view of the Anglo-American agreement in Washington to prevent strategic materials reaching the Communist mainland
- Wednesday 11 March 1953 96 Ships Aided By U.S. On China Run Australian Associated Press WASHINGTON, Tues. - Ninety-six former American merchant ships on which the United States still held mortgages had traded behind the Iron Curtain and carried goods to China since the Korean war began, Senator Joseph McCarthy said yesterday. He said the use of the ships, mostly of Greek,and Italian rergistry, placed the United States in the "incongruous position" of financing ships being used to aid the enemy in Korea. United States experts cautioned today against overestimating the immediate importance of the new British trade embargo agreement as a blow to Communist China. (Under the agreement British registered ships with Hong Kong as their home port will no longer be allowed to carry strategic materials between south East Asia ports and Communist China. This is also an absolute prohibition of any ships bunkering in ports of Britain or her colonies if they carry strategic materials for Communist China). The experts said the best information available indicated that only about 30 p.c. of China's strategic imports arrived by sea. The remainder came overland from the Soviet Union on the Trans-Siberian railway. United States officials said, too, that a considerable part of China's ocean imports were carried in big Polish ships that could sail from Poland to Shanghai without having to refuel. SINGAPORE, Tues.-Captain Merimaa, master of the Finnish tanker Wiima now at Singapore with a cargo of Rumanian aviation fuel for Shanghai said today that the Anglo-American plan to stop strategic materials reaching China could not affect his ship's future In any way. Editorial, Page 4.
- March 14. FINNISH TANKER DETAINED IN SINGAPORE, (AAF-Reuter). - The Royal Navy today sent a ship to mount guard in Singapore Harbour over the Finish tanker Wiima loaded with 10,000 tons of Rumanian aviation fuel originally destined for Shanghai. Early this afternoon the frigate HMS Alert arrived and dropped anchor a few hundred yards astern of the Wiima. A Naval spokesman tonight declined to comment, but a Government official said that the action was taken as a precaution to ensure that the Wiima did not leave without going throught the normal formalities. Well-informed sources said tonight that the authorities here intended to take every legal step possible to prevent the ship from carrying her cargo on to Communist China. The sources also disclosed that the Wiima will probably be watched very closely for any breach of innumerable port regulations upon which she might legally be held here at least temporarily. The vessel has been in Singapore harbour nearly three weeks after anchoring for ll days outside Singapore waters. She interrupted her voyage to Shanghai because of the threat posed by blockading National Chinese warships.
- Tuesday 24 March 1953 GUARD ON A TANKER IS WITHDRAWN SINGAPORE, Mon.-The Royal Navy saip mounting guard over the Finnish tanker Wiima in Singapore harbour has been withdrawn. A naval spokesman declined today to give any explanation. The Wilma with her cargo of 10,000 tons of Rumanian aviation fuel was reported originally to have been destined for Shanghai. She was first placed under guard on March 14 when the frigate Alert dropped anchor nearby. The Alert was replaced by the minesweeper Michael last week, but the Michael sailed away last night and has not returned. Well informed sources said that it appeared that the authorities in London had reason to suppose that the ship's owners were unlikely to do any thing drastic pending their decision what to do with the ship and her cargo.-A.A.P.-Reu ters.
- Thursday 14 May 1953 U.S. Tanker Takes Fuel For Red Jets WASHINGTON, Wed.-Officials said today that the Mutual Security Agency had arranged payment for the jet fuel cargo aboard the Finnish tanker Wiima which anchored off Singapore while on the way to Communist China. Payment would be made from Government funds. The fuel, originally destined for Communist jet planes, would be delivered to the United States Navy tanker Cahaba. Officials said that the Wiima and the tanker would make the exchange in international waters in order to avoid any possible legal complications. Aerial photographs taken just before dusk yesterday showed a pipeline connected between the two ships. "I have no authority to make any statement," the American Consul-General (Mr. Charles, F. Baldwin) said. The Wiima left Singapore harbour last night after being in port for 90 days.-A.A.'.-Reu ters.
- Saturday 16 May 1953 Tanker Ends Long Stay At Singapore SINGAPORE, Friday.-The Finnish tanker, Wiima left Singapore this morning for Constanta, the Rumanian port where four months ago she loaded her controversial cargo of 10,000 tons of aviation fuel for Shanghai. Yesterday, after remaining three months in Singapore waters, she completed the transfer of the fuel to the U.S. Navy tanker Cahaba. When the Wiima sailed she had aboard a young Finnish sailor, Tiira Ensio, who was rescued last March in the Bay of Bengal from a raft in which had been adrift for 34 days. A.A.P.-Reuters.
- Lue alkuperäisiä australialaisia arkistoituja uutisia osoitteessa http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/result?q=wiima
- Lue The Straits Times uutinen WIIMAN lähdöstä osoitteessa http://newspapers.nl.sg/Digitised/Article/straitstimes19530514.2.7.aspx
- Lue TIME-lehden raportti osoitteessa http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,817931,00.html?iid=chi…
- Lue toinen TIME-lehden raportti osoitteessa http://www.time.com/time/printout/0,8816,936349,00.html
- 1957.11.6: WIIMA, ajoi karille Ajoksen edustalla, Inakarin länsipuolella (toisen tiedon mukaan kahdeksas marraskuuta). Lasti tyhjennettiin toiseen laivaan. Satamahinaaja AJOS ja pelastusalukset ASSISTANS ja POSEIDON pumppasivat vettä pois ja tukkivat reikiä. 1957.11.23 tuotu Turkuun ja todettu korjauskelvottamaksi. 1957.12.11 myyty romutettavaksi Wihuri-Yhtymä Oy Teijon Tehtaat. Romutusajankohdaksi ilmoitettu 1957 - 1959.
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WIIMAn matkasta on tehty televisio-ohjelma, minkä esitys lienee tammikuussa 2015. Mukana muistelemassa ovat ainakin WIIMAn päällikön Ilmari Merimaan poika ja radiosähköttäjä Veikko Pulkkanen.
WIIMAN matkasta valokuvin elävöitetty kertomus on luettavissa kirjasta "Ääniä mereltä - merenkulkijat kertovat"
Lue kirjaesittely
Wiima TV:ssä
Saamani tiedon mukaan tuo Wiimaa käsittelevä dokumentti on osa Ylen TV1:n MUISTI-sarjaa ja tulee ulos huhtikuussa. Samoihin aikoihin esitetään radiossa aiheesta tehty radio-versio.
TV1 ti 26.5. klo 20.00, uusinnat la 30.5. klo 15.15 ja ma 1.6. klo 9.30. Varmaan myös Ylen arkistossa nähtävissä ainakin jonkin aikaa.
m/t Wiima vs m/t Pansio/Fjordaas
Tervehdys! Minua kiinnostaa laivahistoriat, koska olin paljon isäni laivoilla (vuosina 1954-75). Tarinan Wiimasta luin jostain alan lehdestä (Voima ja käyttö ?). Koska m/t Pansiolla (1947-61) on paljon yhteistä Wiiman kanssa (rakennusvuosi 1931, koko ja reitit, torpedoisku yms.), niin minua kiinnosti, oliko Pansio se laiva Singaporessa. Pansiosta saisi hyvän ohjelman myös. Kolari Lissabonin edustalla 1958 ja korjaus Napolissa. Olen kai viimeisiä elossa olevia, jolla historiakokonaisuus on vielä muistissa (valokuvia mm.). Olin mukana viimeisellä matkalla Herttoniemestä Katajanokalle 1961.
Kiitos kommentista. Se mitä toistaiseksi on PANSIOsta löytynyt, on luettavissa Äänimeren albumista. Mielelläni otan vastaan kaiken lisätiedon laivan historiaan kuin myös valokuvia. Sodan jälkeen syntyneille merenkulkijoille ei ole kovin tuttua, että SHOY/Effoalla on ollut tankkilaivoja
m/t Pansion/Fjordaas vaiheita
Palaan vielä m/t Pansioon. Sen vaiheista on netissä melko hyvin, mutta kolari Lissabonin edustalla elokuussa 1958 (muistitieto) on jäänyt kirjaamatta? Pansio ajoi kolarin myös 50-luvun alussa ja siitä on valokuviakin (netissä, jossain Kielin/Hampurin tienoilla). Olin poikasena kesällä 1958 Naatalissa Pansiolla (redillä) ja sieltä laiva lähti Mustallemerellä öljyä rahtaamaan ja ajoi Onassiksen tankkilaivan (Aqva Lara ?) kansaa kolarin. Meriselityksen mukaan AL ajoi Pansion eteen (yöllä) ja oli täydessä lastissa. Pansio oli kaasuvapaa ja ajoi AL:tä valuneen ja merenpinnalla syttyneen öljynpalon läpi ja sytytti myös osan kansipinnasta ja isäni heräsi ja juosi puolipukeissa turvallivempaan kolkkaan. Pansion keula meni 8 metriä sisään ja korjaus tehtiin Napolissa. Sisarellani on valokuvia tapauksesta ja olen kysellyt niitä (tallessa? Minulla valokuvia Pompeijista). Kolari noteerattiin aikanaan mm. radiouutisissa, mutta verkosta en löydä mitään aineistoa. Onko tähän saatavissa hyviä vinkkejä? terv. ismo Rasinaho
Pansio oli Suomen Tankkilaiva Oy:n laivoja ja yhtiön osaomistus oli myös FÅA:lla.
Äänimeren Varustamohistoriaa -> Suomen Tankkilaiva kerrotaan:
"Sodan jälkeen Turret erikoistui tankkilaivaliikenteeseen. Omistajat Göran Ehrnrooth ja Birger Krogius myivät yhtiönsä Suomen Tankkilaiva Oy:lle keväällä 1967."
Tuohon aikaan PANSIO oli jo romutettu.
Pansio - Agua Clara
Olisiko tämä Agua Clara samainen, joka 1968 räjähti tankkienpesun aikana Schiedamissa?
m/t Pansio
Toukokuussa 1961 Oulun Toppilassa jäin pois pansiosta lähes koko miehistö vaihtui ennen viimeistä matkaa.Muistan Antti Rasinahon ensimmäisen konemestarin.
Wiima dokumetti TV1ssä 26.5.15
Hyvä havainto
Samaa olen itsekin ihmetellyt. Laiva oli rahdattu viemään öljykuorma Romaniasta Kiinaan, mutta kun matka tyssäsi Singaporeen, redari alkoi kaupitella lastia ja lopulta myi sen USA:n hallitukselle.
"Ääniä mereltä - merenkulkijat muistelevat" kirjassani olen vähän valoittanut, ettei sodan jälkeen kommunistimailla ollut tankkipaatteja, eivätkä YK:n kauppasaarron vuoksi niitä oikein saaneet rahdatuksikaan. WIIMA:n porukallahan oli käsitys, että Kiinan reissusta tulee redarille kovat rahat. WIIMAhan oli ensimmäinen länsimainen tankkeri, joka oli viemässä Kiinaan öljyä Korean sodan aikaan. Telkkariohjelmasta selvisi, ettei laivaväki ollut aluksi tietoinen aiheuttamastaan kalabaliikista.
Antti Wihuri on ollut lahjakas tramppivarustaja silloisista sairauksistaan huolimatta. Hänhän kauppaneuvotteluissaan jenkkien kanssa kertoi harkitsevansa laivan ja lastin myymistä Puolaan, minkä jenkit halusivat ehdottomasti estää. Ja hinta nousi!
Mielestäni ohjelma oli oikein hyvä maalaisille esitettäväksi. Tosin siinä näytettiin hetki jotain muutakin tankkipaattia (olisikohan ollut ihan sodanaikainen T2?). Itse olisin ohjelman lopulla maininnut, että parin vuoden kuluttua Rettig-Bensowin tankkeri ARUBA oli samalla asialla, muttei päässyt Singaporeenkaan asti, kun kääntyi takaisin. Eli historia opettaa, muttei koskaan kukaan siitä opi mitään.
Noista tavausaakkosista: sotaväessä opetettiin aarne, bertta, celsius jne. PTH:n radio-osaston kansainvälisen sertifikaatin koulutus opetti nuo yllämainitut alfa, bravo, charlie. Ja roger eli r eli kuitti piti osata hienosti hönkäistä ameriikkalaisittain ruaadzö tms.
Lisätietona olen saanut viestiä, että "Ennen alfa, bravo, charlie jne., jotka tulivat käyttöön 50- luvun loppupuolella, käytimme vanhaa Amsterdam, Baltimore. Casablanca ------ Xanthippe, Yokohama, Zanzibar. Ehkä siinä vaihdon aikana meni Guatemalat ja golfit sekaisin, mutta hommat hoitui. Sotaväessä kyllä oli Aarnet ja öljyt täyttä tavaraa."
Wiima dokumentti
On tehty Pikkukakkosen hengessä ja soveltuu merenkulusta kiinnostuneille esikouluikäisille. Se kuvastaa YLEn politisoituneiden toimittajien ammattitaitoa ja toisaalta turhautuneisuutta. Jotain pitää rustata ajan kuluksi, muutoin viedään budjettimomentilta sekin 100k€ joka on korvamerkitty "merenkulkuohjelmille". Näinhän se toki saatiin kulumaan. Eikö ruotuun voitaisi ottaa edes yksi ammattitoimittaja joka ymmärtäisi jotain "kaupasta ja merenkulusta"? Sellainen joka ei kertoisi kuinka "supertankkeri lastaa 2000(kaksituhatta) tonnia rahtia". Mutta mitäpä Oskarin ja Timon teksteihin lisäämistä. Lentopetrooli ja lamppuöljy erosivat jo Maon kommunisti-Kiinan aikaan toisistaan. Eikä MIG-hävittäjäkään lentänyt vedellä, vaikka se ehkä suunnittelijansa lentokoneinsinööri Mikojanin mielissä olisi ollut... Edes ohjelmassa esiintyvä professori, joka on tutkinut tapausta, ei pysty kertomaan totuutta vaikka kuinka yrittää. Olisipa nyt hallitusohjelmassa YLEn budjettileikkaus min. 50% - löysää kun löytyy!
Wielä Wiimasta
Ensio Tiira
Aiheesta on tullut viestiä:
"Tämä Ensio tuli kuuluisaksi karkureissustaan Ranskan muukalaislegioonasta. Matkalla Indokiinaan hän ja ruotsalainen Eriksson ottivat kumilautan ja loikkasivat laivasta. Huono tuuri vei heidät Intian Valtamerelle. Eriksson kuoli jonkun ajan kuluttua mutta Ensio oli 30 vuorokautta lautalla ennekuin, olko se nyt englantilainen, laiva löysi hänet ja laittoi hoitoon Singaporeen. Näin hän sitten pääsi Wiiman mukana kotiinpäin. Millä hän eli sen ajan lautalla, siitä kiersi villejä huhuja. Ne jääkööt Ension salaisuudeksi. Kun kerran tulimme hiililastissa Helsinkiin niin siellä Tiiran poika käveli pummilla ja oli meilläkin sapuskalla."
PS. Tiiran pelasti brittiläinen laiva ALENDI HILL. Tiiran tapauksesta on julkaistu kirja "Epätoivon lautta".