SS NOTUNG (OHXJ, LR/IMO) Valmistunut/completed 1882.5, Middlesbrough, Sir Raylton Dixon & Co. Shipyard no. 197.
1650 dwt, 550 bhp, 75.67 x 10.60 x 4.06 m.
1882.5: MIDDLESBROUGH, Hogg & Henderson, Middlesbrough. Later Middlesbrough SS Co Ltd. 1911.3.31: JESSIE, Rederi Ab Cedric, And.S.Cronberg, Landskrona, price 5960 £. 1915.12.27: VIOLA, Rederi Ab Activ, Helsingborg. 1916.9.28: sunk on the Southampton roads when steamer ARRACAN collided. The crew were rescued. 1918.8 floated and towed to Charlton & Co, Grimsby for rebuilding. 1920.2.11: loaded with coal grounded and sank off Ystad. Rescued and repaired at Helsingör. 1933.11.30: Axel Ingmansson, Kristinehamn. Price 42 000 SKR.
1935.4: NOTUNG, Rederiaktiebolaget Notung (Ernst Sohn, Lönnrotink. 23) Helsinki. Price 50 000 SKR.
1940.1.24: NOTUNG, enroute Turku - West Hartlepool loaded with woodpulp sank by Russiand bombers, near Nöleskär island, Åland. The ship was stopped in the ice and waiting for the icebraker. No casualties.