SS PALLADA (call sign?, LR/IMO) Valmistunut/completed: 1900.4.25, Kiel, AG Howaldtswerke.
3488 GRT, 1800 ihp, 105.15 x 13.92 x 7.31 m. Shipyard no 360.
1900.25.4: PALLADA, homeport Odessa. Russkoje Obschestvo Parokhodstva i Torgovli (ROPIT) (Black Sea Shipping company), Odessa. 1915.12: Baltic flee, laid up Suomenlinna (Sveaborg).
1918.4.13: Finnish Government at Helsinki (Sotasaalis Keskus-Osasto -> Merenkulkuhallitus (Board of Navigation)) managers Viktor Ek. Mainly trading timber from Finland and homeward bound grain and foodstuffs. Seven female crewmembers working onboard.
1922.9.1: KARL LIEBKNECHT, Government Baltic Steamship Co, Leningrad. According to Finland - Sovjet peace treaty handed over to Sovjets. Later different Sovjet Baltic companies. 1948: Black Sea Shipping Company, Odessa. 1951: converted to floating workshop for ship repairs. 1954: Sakhalin State Shipping Company, Vladivostok. 1973: still in use.
Lue lisää SLHY:n lehti LAIVA 4/2003 Rami Wirrankosken historia "Viljaa leijonalipulla Suomeen. Nuoren itsenäisen valtion viljalaivat".
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